CSM Logistics Ltd
Policy – Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The outbreak of a new coronavirus disease (COVID 19) and the spread to countries around the world including the UK has huge implications for the world economy and specifically for businesses in the UK. As a business and employer we must play a role if we are to stop the spread of the disease, ensure as far as possible the safety of our staff and ensure business continuity.
The Personnel Department is keeping up to date with information from the Government, the NHS, Public Health England, The World Health Organisation and any other relevant source of information. This is to be disseminated to all offices and branches as necessary. The Policy will be updated as information from Government changes. This will impact on collection procedures, business travel, return from holiday, meetings and seminars, office organisation, travel to and from work and any other aspect of the company’s organisation deemed necessary.
- Staff and contractors should consult national travel advice before going on business trips or holidays.
- Managers need to be aware of staff holiday destinations and deal with any staff or consultants returning from these areas as explained below.
- Staff may not travel to Category 1 countries or areas. If at all possible, staff should avoid travelling to Category 2 countries. Staff must keep up to date on these locations on Public Health England
Return from Specified Locations and Countries and Procedures to Follow:-
- Category 1 – Wuhan city and Hubei Province, Iran, Daegu or Cheongdo (Republic of Korea) and any area within Italy under containment measures.
- Anyone who has travelled to Category 1 locations should self-isolate, even if asymptomatic and use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do next. Go home or to your destination and then self-isolate.
- Category 2 – Cambodia, China (apart from Category 1 areas), Hong Kong, Italy (apart from Category 1 areas), Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Republic of Korea (apart from Category 1 areas), Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.
- Travellers do not need to undertake any special measures, but if they develop symptoms they should self-isolate and call NHS 111.
Other Circumstances under which Staff may be asked to Self-Isolate
The company will follow advice from the UK government as it is updated. If there is known contact with an individual diagnosed with Covid 19 or in the process of being tested for Covid 19, staff should call 111 and follow the advice given. Staff must keep their managers up to date with the situation. The company may request individual members of staff to work from home or stay at home if they feel it is prudent.
In these circumstances, where possible, the company will try to ensure that you are able to work from home.
Gov UK provide advice for those requested to self-isolate.
Staff Calling in with Flu Like Symptoms
If staff are unwell and call in with flu like symptoms, managers should ensure they are aware of the symptoms of Covid 19. If the member of staff have not travelled or knowingly been in contact with people who have travelled to the two categories of countries above, then they should remain at home while they are unwell. They should call their manager each day of their illness according to the company sickness policy. If they feel their symptoms may mean they may be infected with Covid 19, they should call 111 and follow the advice given. Assuming they have either not been tested or tested with a negative result, they should return to work when they are well again.
Please keep Personnel (Anne Caspi or Abi Lipski) informed of all instances of this type of illness and it will be logged and followed up.
Symptoms of Covid 19
- A cough
- A high temperature
- Shortness of breath
These symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness.
The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common such as colds and flu.
Sick Pay
If a doctor or NHS 111 or the company has advised an employee to self-isolate, they will receive SSP due to them. The employee must keep their manager up to date with their situation and if their work allows, they should work from home and salary will be paid in full.
Where it is not possible to work from home, for example in the case of drivers, the company are mindful of hardship which may result so will in principal have the discretion to pay full pay for a period of up to two weeks.
Staff with Covid 19
If an employee has Covid 19, our usual sick leave and pay entitlements apply which in most circumstances means payment of SSP. The company are mindful of hardship which may result and so will in principal have the discretion to pay full pay for up to two weeks. If staff are off for a longer period then, this will have to be reviewed. The employee must keep their manager informed as soon as possible by telephone and then keep in touch as requested by the manager. Article Sponsored Find something for everyone in our collection of colourful, bright and stylish socks. Buy individually or in bundles to add color to your drawer!
Other Covid 19 related situations requiring time off will be dealt with as they arise.
The company will –
- keep everyone updated on actions being taken to reduce risks of exposure in the workplace
- make sure everyone’s contact numbers and emergency contact details are up to date
- make sure managers know how to spot symptoms of coronavirus and are clear on any relevant processes, for example sickness reporting and sick pay, and procedures in case someone in the workplace develops the virus
- make sure there are clean places to wash hands with hot water and soap, and encourage everyone to wash their hands regularly
- provide hand sanitiser where available and tissues for staff, and encourage them to use them
- consider if protective face masks might help for people working in particularly vulnerable situations
- consider if any travel planned to affected areas is essential
Back Up Plans
All locations should have a backup plan in place should the situation arise where large numbers of staff need to work from home.
Office Staff
This includes ensuring that:
- Staff have access to computers and WiFi at home. If necessary, dongles can be ordered.
- Computers at home must be set up with a link to the cloud that has been tested.
- All staff should have set up Mitel Connect App on their mobile telephones so that calls can be transferred and calls on direct numbers will come through on their telephones.
- The Mitel telephone connections must have been tested.
- Managers must consider staff travel as staff that do not have to use public transport may well find it easier to come into the office.
- We will need to keep offices open using a skeleton staff at the premises backed up by staff working from home.
- Where expenditure on IT is required to achieve this, Managers should make the request as immediately.
- If staff have been provided with laptops, they should either be brought to work and taken home every day or kept at home.
- Drivers will not be able to work from home and the company will do what they can to ensure they continue to work.
- Hand sanitiser will be provided wherever possible. The company has made the provision of sanitiser to drivers a priority as they may not have access to regular handwashing facilities.
- The company advises drivers not to shake hands with customers and colleagues.
- Where practical, drivers should keep a reasonable distance from customers when collecting packages.
- At this stage, face masks have not been recommended but the company will follow guidance from Public Health England, the government and BIFA and provide PPE as recommended.
Warehouse and Drivers
- Hand sanitiser will be provided wherever possible. The company has made the provision of sanitiser to drivers a priority as they may not have access to regular handwashing facilities. It is the drivers’ responsibility to keep their vehicles clean and hygienic. The surfaces should be wiped with antibacterial wipes regularly and particularly at the end and beginning of the day and if driving a different vehicle.
- Handshakes should be avoided and alternative greetings can be adopted.
- Where practical, drivers should keep a reasonable distance from customers when collecting packages.
- At this stage, face masks have not been recommended but the company will follow guidance from Public Health England, the government and BIFA and provide PPE as recommended.
- Each location with warehouse facilities and drivers have been requested to draw up a site specific policy to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. This should cover basic hygiene, access to hand washing facilities with warm water and soap and keeping common areas clean.
- Policies on Covid 19 prevention within the workplace from Integrators visiting the warehouse should be requested and reviewed to ensure the visiting staff have followed government regulation regarding travel and return from both Category 1 and 2 locations.
- Posters should be displayed covering both hand washing and good respiratory hygiene within the workplace.
Offices and the Workplace
- The workplace is to be kept clean and hygienic
- Surfaces (e.g. desks and tables) and objects (e.g. telephones, keyboards) must be wiped with disinfectant regularly.
- Posters are to be displayed in all offices and warehouses promoting hand-washing.
- Staff requested to wash their hands on arrival in the office and at regular intervals during the day.
- Sanitizing hand gel dispensers (if available) should be placed in prominent places around the workplace. Make sure these dispensers are regularly refilled. (Assuming sanitizing hand gel is available).
- Make sure that staff, contractors and customers have access to places where they can wash their hands with soap and water.
- Locations should consider staggered working hours to allow those travelling on public transport to avoid travel at peak hours.
Good Respiratory hygiene in the workplace
- Posters are to be displayed promoting respiratory hygiene.
- Staff should cover their face with the bend of their elbow or a tissue if they cough or sneeze.
- Paper tissues should be made available at all offices for those who develop a runny nose or cough at work.
- Staff to cover office waster paper baskets. (This can be done with cardboard from paper boxes or any other suitable lightweight cover).
- Where possible, keep the workplace well ventilated with open windows and doors.
- Is the meeting necessary?
- Can it be replaced by a teleconference or online event?
- Could it be scaled down so that fewer people attend?
- Prior to being given an appointment, all visitors should be asked if they have travelled to specified countries in the last two weeks.
- On arrival, they should be asked to wash their hands.
- Handshakes should be avoided and alternative greetings can be adopted.